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The Sculpture Workshop

Vangelis Ilias is a graduate of the Athens School of Fine Arts and undoubtedly belongs to those artists who insist on creating works in the traditional way of sculpture, without denying the modern trends of our time.


Sculpture is a way of expression and creation using materials such as marble, stone and bronze. The processing of these materials, in a specific way, in order to highlight their plasticity, can give unique three-dimensional forms, mainly artistic but also often useful.

In our workshop, works are created based on the art of marble sculpture, always utilizing to the fullest all the traditional techniques of sculpture, but without overshadowing the modern trends and aesthetics of today.

The creation of busts and statues, always emphasizing the fidelity and the realistic rendering of the physiognomic features, without omitting the psychograph of the respective forms, is one of the most characteristic and main works of art that we can create for you.

At the same time, another large part of the creation on the art of marble, concerns more free and abstract constructions. Having as a main feature the highlighting of the plasticity of the forms, we can create works of art that will highlight the decoration of your interior or exterior.


Through our many years of experience in sculpture, we can create for you handmade sculptures, of exceptional quality, combining the classic art of marble, with your own aesthetics, thus ending up in a special and unique work of art.

Εργαστήριο γλυπτικής | Μαρμαρογλυπτική Χειροποίητα Αγάλματα και Προτομές | Ανάγλυφα, Σκαλιστά, Ταφικά Μνημεία από Μάρμαρο | Κρήνες | Μαρμάρινα Τζάκια


Municipality of Athens
Municipality of Tanagra
Municipality of Sparti
Municipality of Neapoli, Creta
Municipality of Minoapediada, Creta
Municipality of Mandra, Attica

Municipality of Saronikos
Municipality of Kassel Germany – “Museum Fridericiarum”

NSU University, Florida USA

Medicine School, Tampa - Florida USA
Community of Gonia, Rethimno
The House of Actors

Hadjikyriakeio Foundation of Piraeus
Holy Metropolis of Neapolis, Crete
Navy - Ministry of National Defense
Air Force – Ministry of National Defense
Hospital NIMTS

Gliptiki - Vangelis Ilias © All Rights Reserved

Photos - Video - Website created by After - Creative Studio

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